Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Macbeth by Shakespeare

Macbeth by Shakespeare Macbeth is presented as a mature man of definitely established character, successfulin certain fields of activity and enjoying an enviable reputation. We must not conclude,there, that all his volitions and actions are predictable; Macbeth's character, like anyother man's at a given moment, is what is being made out of potentialities plusenvironment, and no one, not even Macbeth himself, can know all his inordinate self-love whose actions are discovered to be-and no doubt have been for a long time-determined mainly by an inordinate desire for some temporal or mutable good.Macbeth is actuated in his conduct mainly by an inordinate desire for worldly honors;his delight lies primarily in buying golden opinions from all sorts of people. But we mustnot, therefore, deny him an entirely human complexity of motives. For example, hisfighting in Duncan's service is magnificent and courageous, and his evident joy init is traceable in art to the natural pleasure which accompanies the explosive ex penditureof prodigious physical energy and the euphoria which follows.Macbeth and Banquo Meeting the Three Witches by Jo...He also rejoices nodoubt in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He may evenconceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his great deed:The service and the loyalty I owe,In doing it, pays itself.But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and areobscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, hisnature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that he may be reported insuch terms a 'valour's minion' and 'Bellona's bridegroom'' he values success because itbrings spectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped upon him in public. Nowso long as these...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

All Ready and Already - Glossary of Usage

All Ready and Already - Glossary of Usage Your spellchecker doesnt know the difference between the homophones all ready and already, but you should know the difference. Definitions The adjective phrase all ready (two words) means completely prepared. The adverb already (one word) means previously or by this time. Also see the usage notes below. Examples Our bags have already been inspected.​We are all ready to board the plane.​They were already in the downtown area, and they were all ready to walk from bar to bar.(Gonzalo Celorio, And Let the Earth Tremble at Its Centers, trans. by Dick Gerdes. University of Texas Press, 2009). Usage Notes and Memory Tricks Already means before now or before then: The game had already started by the time we got there.Do not confuse already with all ready as two separate words: Are you all ready? ( Are all of you ready?)(George Davidson, Penguin Writers Guides: Improve Your Spelling. Penguin, 2005)LISTEN: Mentally say the sentence you are about to write. If you pause between all and ready, use two words, all ready.VISUALIZE CONNECT: Visualize runners ready to start a race. Think, All ready? All set? Go!VISUALIZE CONNECT: Visualize yourself waiting for a friend and looking at your watch, distressed. Think, Its almost 8:00 and were already late!(Nancy Ragno, Word Savvy: Use the Right Word Every Time, All The Time. Writers Digest Books, 2011) Practice (a) The ballplayers have _____ taken batting practice.(b) The players are _____ to start the game. Answers to Practice Exercises (a) The ballplayers have  already  taken batting practice. (b) The players are  all ready  to start the game. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Report on Teaching and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Report on Teaching and Learning - Essay Example All these multiply the need for the inclusion of cooperation, encouragement and commitment towards the profession of teaching. In the context of teaching, ‘effective teaching’ is a much debated topic. As the very name indicates, effective teaching means and includes all the methods and efforts undertaken by teachers to make the students think and learn the world around them in a comprehensive manner. As remarked by Jerome Brunner in his book ‘The Relevance of Education’, â€Å"to instruct someone... is not a matter of getting him to commit results to mind. Rather, it is to teach him to participate in the process that makes possible the establishment of knowledge. We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on that subject, but rather to get a student to think mathematically for himself, to consider matters as an historian does, to take part in the process of knowledge-getting† (Brunner 1971 ). Renowned researchers and teachers (Abrami & d ApolIonia, 1991; Cashin & Downey, 1992; Feldman, 1997; Marsh & Roche, 1993) observe that teaching involves many complex elements such as clarity, organization, enthusiasm, teachers’ interaction with students. In the efforts to make teaching effective and useful to students, teachers make use of multitudinous methods and strategies which have been developed by researchers as well as practitioners over the years. Some of the methods include evaluation by current students, the teacher himself or herself, administrators, colleagues, trained observes, or former students. Among them, the most simple and practically appropriate method is the Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (SET). It involves the assessment of teaching effectiveness of one with the feedback or evaluation provided by students. It is being used internationally as one of the easy and workable method of evaluating teaching

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critically discuss some of the hermeneutical principles that are used Essay

Critically discuss some of the hermeneutical principles that are used to interpret the Bible from a liberationist perspective - Essay Example as written by human authors in the words of God under the ‘inspiration’ of the Holy Spirit.4 Thus, the church regarded the Bible a sacred writing – the Holy Scripture, â€Å"a pillar of stone†5 from which all its teachings are derived. However, different interpretations of the Bible abound, subjecting it to controversy that penetrates through its infallibility, the godliness of God, and the correctness of the doctrines of the church, sowing division in Christian faith rather than unification, spreading confusion rather than understanding. Although on positive note, it also expounds and deepens the believer’s understanding of the Bible and his/her relationship with his Creator. Yet, against these various hermeneutics, it should be considered that the Bible or the Holy Scripture could not just be interpreted in any which way one wish, because it is God’s words whose doctrines must be grasped by objectively studying its texts,6 as these used figurative languages in a time unique in itself, yet universal in influence. Moreover, as the Bible is the story of God’s profound love to humankind, â€Å"the authority of the Bible should be understood in the context of God’s relationships to all Go d’s people(s) -- the church and the world.†7 In this way, the Bible could offer a way as to how the present people’s sufferings could be overcome through a life of faith and social commitment.8 Thus, liberationist biblical critics propose that biblical hermeneutic has to accentuate three issues of utmost importance: â€Å"the demythologisation of the biblical authority, the demystification of the use of the Bible, and the construction of new models of interpretation of the Bible.†9 Firstly, to demythologise the biblical authority is to investigate â€Å"the world of text†10, as to how the existing socio-politico-economic and cultural power-dynamics in the ancient imperial worlds ruled by the colonial empires of Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece and Rome immensely

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Love Affair of Calixta and Alcee as the Storm Essay Example for Free

The Love Affair of Calixta and Alcee as the Storm Essay The Storm by Kate Chopin is a story of two people who are already married with their respective partners but still looked for happiness from other persons- their respective paramours. Both Calixta and Alcee know that they are both married and should be settled in their respective lives. However, they still had a sexual encounter one day when Calixta was left all by herself in their house while her husband and her son were stranded somewhere because of the storm. In this story, the storm symbolizes both the physical circumstances that the characters were experiencing and the passionate encounter that happened between the paramours. I think that the love affair of Calixta and Alcee is nothing else but wrong both for the two of them and their respective families. It is noticed that during the sexual encounter, both are not with their respective partners. Calixtas husband Bobinots whereabouts cannot be ascertained because of the storm that might have endangered his life. Calixta was in her vulnerable state because apart from being alone she does not know what just happened to her husband. In the words of Chopin: â€Å"Calixta put her hands in her eyes, and with a cry, staggered backward. Alcees arm encircled her, and for an instant he drew her close and spasmodically to him (1993)†. In other words, she was trying to find happiness and comfort during these times that Alcee was there at the right moment. At the same time, Alcees wife was also far away from him with their children. This suggests the same argument already mentioned. The same as Calixta, Alcee is also yearning for happiness and comfort that his wife cannot give because of the distance. My disagreement to the love affair of the two can be explained by Dennis Pragers The Missing Tile Syndrome. Prager asserted that â€Å"In life there will always be tiles missing (1995)†. He said that life could never be complete no matter how we wanted it to be or no matter how we strive for it. The missing tiles in our lives are likened to something or someone that we wanted to have; we cannot help but think about it all the time. The analogy goes like this: when we look up at the ceiling, whenever there is a missing tile, we tend to focus on that missing spot on the verge of getting fixated into it. Because of this, the two characters tend to focus on the absence of their partners that they find themselves unhappy and uncomfortable. Moreover, they are prone to making mistakes as Prager has mentioned â€Å"People act more decently when they are happy (1993)†. When they arent, they tend to veer towards the bad side. Moreover, the love affair would lead to pain and suffering of their respective families. This is because even when the ending of the story says â€Å"So the storm passed and every one was happy (Chopin, 1993)† suggests a resolution to the problem, I believe it is otherwise. The reconciliation of Calixta and her husband does not count as a happily ever after marriage because what was being presented were only intentions and not actions. Prager wrote that â€Å"what we do, not what we intend, is what counts (1995)†. He asserted there is no way we can ascertain motive because it is a state of the mind. The love of Calixta to her husband was not shown when she merely said, â€Å"Oh Bonibot! You too good fo anything†. At the same time, the letter that were sent by Alcee to his wife were also manifestations of intention and not actions which were likewise unreliable. â€Å"Alcee Laballiere wrote to his wife, Clarisse, that night. It was a loving letter, full of tender solicitude (Chopin, 1993)†. Even with this, we cannot be sure of the love and devotion of Alcee to his wife. This suggests that their respective families may be in danger of falling apart because the actions of love and passion by Calixta and Alcee are not for their respective partners and families but for somebody else. References Chopin, K. (1993). â€Å"The Storm†. Nineteen-Century Stories by Women. USA: Broadview Press. Prager, D. (1995). Think a Second Time. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Coleridge and the Relation in-between Poet and Critic Essay -- Theoris

Introduction Is it possible, fruitful, or confusing to view Coleridge's aesthetic ideas as fragments (parts) toward the composition of a kind of larger theoretical poem (whole)? In other words, can one use Coleridge's art criticism to comment upon his practice as a theorist? Are his aesthetic ideas applicable to his practice as a critic of the practice of poetic composition? Is it possible that some leverage could be obtained by torquing Coleridge's theoretical statements about poetry in particular and art in general to comment on his own compositional practice as a critic? Quite simply, is Coleridge's theory true to the ideals of his critical practice? The caveat here is that it is precisely my intention to answer these questions indirectly. The idea is to use these problems as the hub of a wheel of a widening set of questions whose fragmentary sections, like the spokes of the "old coach wheel," radiate outward from a central ambiguity (Genial 472). The method is guided by Adorno's thoughts on the subject of the essay itself, which he suggests "incorporates the anti-systematic impulse into its own way of proceeding and introduces concepts unceremoniously, 'immediately,' just as it receives them. They are made more precise only through their relationship to one another" (12). Though the argument appears to be circular it would be more accurate to say that it circulates, and thus reflects upon a process of reciprocal exchanges. One might say of Coleridge that his intuition unfolds over thinking, rather than under-standing. The presentational aspect of the work of art works form. Form is never static, it is always forming and being formed ("forma informans"-- shaping form). Imagination takes on, spreads out and ove... ... the problem between the poles of activity and passivity through the "intermediate" faculty of the imagination. Perhaps it is obvious to state that this nuances the distinction between immediate and mediate. Somehow the poem is then the aesthetic object of mediation in which immediate intuition is made manifest through the intermediate faculty of the imagination. Works cited Adorno, Notes to Literature. vol. I. New York: Columbia UP, 1991. Benjamin, Walter. The Origin of German Tragic Drama. London: New Left Books, 1977. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. London: Everyman, 1991. On the Principles of Genial Criticism. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. 471-76. The Statesman's Manual. Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. 476.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Airtread Case Writeup Essay

1. Ms. Zhang wanted to keep things simple by assuming a stock purchase using the maximum amount of leverage available to conduct the merger, and she assumed that the acquisition debt could consist of a single tranche amortizing monthly over 10 years, but with bullet payment to bring AirThread’s leverage ratios in line with those of the industry. So from 2008 to 2012, the D/E ratio of AirThread would change continuously until the bullet payment is paid, so we expect to use APV valutation method from 2008 to 2012, since it is more efficient to adjust the PV of FCF than to figure out the annual WACC. From 2013, the D/E ratio of AirThread would be in line with the industry, indicating the company will rebalance its D/E ratio, so we expect to use WACC method from then on to value AirThread. 2. Before we calculate the discount rate, we need to make the following assumptions: a. Since Ms. Zhang wanted to keep things simple by assuming a stock purchase using the maximum amount of leverage available and a debt to value ratio not exceeding 50%, so we calculate the initial D/E=100% which is the maximum leverage for AirThread under this scenario. b. AirThread neither rebalanced its capital structure during 2008 and 2012, nor did it keep its debt at a fixed level. It repays its debt monthly. However, the amount of debt repaid before the end of 2012 is small compared with the total amount of debt and the total bullet payment. So when we calculate debt cost of capital from 2008 to 2012, we assume that the debt maintains at a fixed amount till the end of 2012 and the periodic payments will not have effect on the debt cost of capital. In order to use APV method to value the company from 2008 to 2012, we need to figure out the unlevered cost of asset-R(U) and cost of debt at initialization-R(D08-12) to discount the FCF back to 2007. According to Rubinstein & Ross the interest rate of the bond should be 5.5% at the initial leverage, so RD08-12=5.5%. And we expect to use the market multiples to estimate RU. We can calculate Beta(D08-12) at the initial leverage by using CAPM model. So Beta(D08-12)=1.25%/5%=0.25, at D/E=100%. However, when the capital structure of AirThread is in line with the industry, the D/E ratio is approximately 40.1%, which is less than 100%, indicating less risk in debt after 2012 when the company was in line with the industry leverage. So we assume that AirThread’s debt beta after 2012-Beta(D12-)=0.125, also we can get equity beta-Beta(E12-)=1.00 from the market multiples. Since the D/E=40.1% in market multiples, we can get Beta(U)= 0.125*40.1%/(1+40.1%)+1*1/(1+40.1%)=0.75, R(U)=(5.5%-1.25%)+0.75*5%=8%. Finally we can use R(U) to discount the FCF and use R(D08-12) to discount the interest tax shield. A detail list of inputs can be found in Sheet1. In terms of the terminal value, the discount rate=WACC-G. G is the growth rate in perpetuity, which cannot exceed the long term growth rate of US economy. The WACC is the weighted cost of capital when AirThreat keeps rebalancing the capital structure in line with the industry, the assumptions are very different from what we have made when calculating the discount rate from 2008 to 2012. So we cannot use the same discount rate to value the terminal value. 3. Compute the unlevered free cash flow and the interest tax shields from 2008 to 2012 based on estimates provided in Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 6. Based on the data provided by the case we can calculate estimated FCF which can be found in Sheet2. In calculating the ITS, we think only the interest payment can be used to calculate the ITS instead of the total payment each year. The calculation of ITS can be found in Sheet3. Free Cash Flow = EBITÃâ€"(1-tax rate) + Depreciation & Amortization – change in Net Working Capital – Capital Expenditure EBIT = Revenue – Operating Expense – COGS – SG&A – Depreciation & Amortization Among the inputs listed above, only changes in Net Working Capital is not projected with explicit figures, and assumptions concerning net working capital accounts and important related notes are listed in Sheet4.Based on our above sheets can calculation, we can arrive at the results. (in million dollar) | 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| 2012| Free Cash Flow| 227.07| 347.38| 319.73| 326.04| 322.24| Interest Tax Shield| 80| 73| 66| 59| 56| 4. A company’s long-term growth rate is a function of return on capital and reinvestment rate, and should not exceed long-term macro economy growth rate. The return on capital represents the investment return and the reinvestment rate represents the proportional amount of capital reinvested to fulfill future growth of the company. So a better to estimate the long term growth rate is to return on capital multiplied by reinvestment rate. So, g=return on capitalÃâ€"reinvestment rate. A detailed disaggregation of this function can be fond in Function 1 in appendix. We need the long term growth rate of AirThread when its capital structure is in line with the industry and reflect the most recent performance after the merger event. So it is better to estimate the long term growth rate by using the 2012 year end projected financial statements. As we have computed the Δ NWC in Q3 and got other necessary inputs from the exhibits in case material, the only unknown data is the Total Assets of 2012. To project this number in 2012, we need to use the formula of Asset Turnover ratio. Asset Turnover ratio = Total revenue/ Total asset The total revenue of 2012, combining the Service Revenue and Equipment Revenue of 2012 in Exhibit 1, should be 6806.50. Then we compute the average growth rate of the Asset Turnover Ratio based on Table 2 and use the result to estimate the Asset Turnover Ratio of 2012, which is 1.58. Now we can estimate the total asset of 2012 with the Asset Turnover Ratio of 1.58. Total asset= 6806.50/ 1.58≈4311.1(in million). With the total asset of 2012, we can calculate the long-term growth rate=2.61%. The inputs and detailed result is list in Sheet5. Based on the 30-year GDP data of U.S (Dec.1976-Dec 2007), average nominal GDP growth rate is 7.3%, average real GDP growth rate is 3.3%, and inflation growth rate is 0.9%, so projected Future Growth Rate of AirThread should be between 0.9% and 7.3%, which support our estimate result of 2.61%. 5. A company’s total assets can be expressed as the sum of operating assets and interest tax shield assets. Under the assumptions that from 2008 to 2012 the total debt is fixed and in perpetuity the company keeps rebalancing the leverage ratio to be in line with the industry, we should use unlevered discount rate (Ru) to discount the FCF back to 2007. Terminal Value of FCF in perpetuity is estimated with the long-term growth rate calculated in Q4 and unlevered discount rate calculated in Q3: Terminal Value at 2012=FCF2012Ãâ€"(1+g)Ru=322.24Ãâ€"(1+2.61%)8%-2.61%=6,134.52 (million dollar) Value of operating assets=15FCFt(1+Ru)t+Terminal Value(1+Ru)5=5,176.58 (million dollar)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Personal Challenge Essay

There's plenty Of things I'll have to do in order to get through high school and have the grades to get into college. Participating in class and asking questions will help me to bet term understand what we're learning. Also, studying for exams and quizzes will lead to better g reads, which will look good to colleges. Doing all work and getting it all turned in on time will h elf to improve my grades. A high school diploma is a must have for getting accepted into a good college. No college, no job in the future. Basically have to go to college in order to AC hive my Laos of being an athletic trainer.Finding the right college is going to take some e time and research. A college I would really like to go to is Duquesne University. Would I eke to go there because that's where my sister went. I would first want to see if this specific c allege would provide the education need to be an athletic trainer. I would also want to fin d out what the guidelines and requirements are for getting int o that school. I could research the school and see what I can find, or I could talk to the guidance counselor here at Keystone. I co old also talk to y sister about the layout of the school and where certain classes and places are.Playing basketball in college would also motivate me to stick with it. Playing basketball I could also get me a scholarship for college, so then my tuition wont be quite so much for m I've played basketball all my life and been around many athletes. I've seen ho w and why many injuries happen, and have had many injuries myself that required physic cal therapy with an athletic trainer. Being around this environment so much has really gotten me interested in being an athletic trainer. Eave always thought that it seemed like a fun career to ha eve.I'm going to have to work very hard to achieve this goal of mine. Its not goanna be easy beck cause there's a lot of things to learns, but I know I can do it. Everyone has something they would love to accomplish in their life. My goal I s to take up a career of being an athletic trainer. In order to achieve this I will have to work hard at everything do at school. I'll also have to get through both high school and cool leg with good grades. With that being said, achieving my goal of being an athletic trainer is g Anna be hard, but I can definitely do it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens

3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens 3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens 3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens By Mark Nichol Writers, even professionals, have a difficult time with hyphens, frequently perplexed about whether to use one or, worse, blithely certain they’re inserting or omitting a hyphen correctly when doing so is wrong. Here are some sentences that should be bereft of hyphens. 1. â€Å"In the city’s first cop-killing since 1935, a detective was found shot at a residence.† There’s no reason to link the adjectival use of cop with the noun killing, unless killing is joining cop as a phrasal adjective, as in â€Å"The suspect is a cop-killing menace.† The correct usage is â€Å"In the city’s first cop killing since 1935, a detective was found shot at a residence.† 2. â€Å"A privately-built spacecraft will try a second flight in an effort to secure the prize.† Writers frequently confuse adverbs ending in -ly, which are never connected to the verbs they modify, with adjectives, which are usually hyphenated in phrases like the one referred to in the previous item. Complicating the matter is that adjectival phrases including an adjective ending in -ly, such as grandfatherly-looking in â€Å"a grandfatherly-looking fellow,† are hyphenated before (and after) a noun. The difference in these usages is that privately describes how the spacecraft was built; privately modifies built. In â€Å"grandfatherly-looking fellow,† however, the first two words are hyphenated to indicate that together, they modify fellow. The sentence should read, â€Å"A privately built spacecraft will try a second flight in an effort to secure the prize.† 3. â€Å"They prefer to dump the label for a more-effective brand.† When a comparative or superlative modifier less or least, or more or most modifies an adjective, do not connect the terms with a hyphen: â€Å"They prefer to dump the label for a more effective brand.† (If the sentence is ambiguous without the hyphen, as in â€Å"The team had several more successful seasons,† revise the sentence according to the intended meaning: â€Å"The team had several seasons that were more successful† or â€Å"The team had several successful seasons after that.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyProbable vs. PossibleShow, Don't Tell

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using the Spanish Preposition Sobre

Using the Spanish Preposition Sobre Like many Spanish prepositions, sobre can be used in a variety of ways that dont seem to have any logical connection. One of the more common Spanish prepositions, sobre can be the equivalent of the English prepositions on, about, or over, among others. In some cases, it can help to know that sobre comes from the Latin super-, which, among other things, functioned as a preposition meaning above or beyond. But while a few of the uses of sobre have clearly related meanings, not all do. Be aware that sobre also can function as a masculine noun meaning envelope, packet, or, in informal usage, bed.) Most Common Ways in Which Sobre Is Used Nearly all the time, sobre is used in one of the following ways: Sobre as a Preposition of Location Sobre is often used to indicate that something is on top or or above something. In some such situations, sobre can be used more or less interchangeably with the preposition en. There usually isnt much significant difference, for example, between sobre la mesa and en la mesa, which both can be translated as on the table. Other times, over is a more suitable translation, such as when sobre means above. Coloca una pierna ​sobre el piso. (Place your knee on the floor.)La distribucià ³n correcta de la presià ³n del cuerpo sobre la silla es esencial para el confort. (The correct distribution of the bodys weight over the chair is essential for comfort.)Una lluvia de astillas volà ³ sobre el coche. (A shower of splinters flew onto the car.)Si pudieras volar sobre el ojo del huracn, al mirar hacia abajo verà ­as claramente la superficie del mar o la tierra. (If you could fly over the eye of the hurricane, upon looking down you would clearly see the surface of the sea or Earth.) Sobre Meaning ‘About,’ ‘Concerning,’ or ‘On the Subject Of’ When sobre is used to describe that something concerns or is about a subject, it functions in the same way that de can. In these situations, sobre is usually more formal than de. About is nearly always a good translation, although others such as of are possible. Ésta es la primera edicià ³n sobre un libro sobre nuestra mà ºsica popular. (This is the first edition of a book about our popular music.)Pelà © presenta documental sobre su vida en Nueva York. (Pelà © is presenting a documentary about his life in New York.) ¿Quà © piensas sobre el uso de los antibià ³ticos? (What do you think about using the antibiotics?) Using Sobre To Indicate Superiority or Influence Sobre often can translate over when it is used to indicate superiority in matters of influence or control. El uso del bus triunfa sobre el coche entre los universitarios. (Among university students, the use of buses triumphs over the use of cars.)La industria de salud posee una enorme influencia sobre las polà ­ticas de salud. (The health industry has a great influence over the politics of health.)Me es repugnante la dominacià ³n de un sexo sobre el otro. (The domination of one sex over the other is repugnant to me.) Sobre in Time Approximations Sobre is frequently used in time expressions to indicate that the time given is approximate. The English translations about or around are often used. Sobre is less commonly used in other types of approximations, such as for physical measurements. Sobre las seis de la tarde volvimos al hotel. (We are arriving at the hotel at about 6 in the evening.)Sobre 1940 el mercado de la ciencia ficcià ³n comenzà ³ a subir de nuevo. (Around 1940 the market for science fiction began to grow again.)La tormenta pasar sobre el mediodà ­a de este sbado. (The storm will pass through around noon on this Saturday.)Esperamos olas de sobre cuatro metros de altura. (We are hoping for waves about four meters high.) Sobre for Motion Around Sobre can be used to indicate rotation around an axis. About and around are the most common translations. El planeta gira sobre su eje una vez cada 58,7 dà ­as. (The planet rotates around its axis once each 58.7 days.)La Tierra rota sobre un eje imaginario que pasa a travà ©s de sus polos. (The Earth rotates about an imaginary axis which passes between its two poles.) Key Takeaways The Spanish preposition sobre is common, but it cant be translated by any single English preposition.One common meaning of sobre is to indicate that something is on top or above something else.Another common use of sobre is to indicate the subject that something else, such as a book, is about.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Quiz 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Quiz 1 - Assignment Example He is also looking ahead and is avoiding the unwanted incase the Democrats retain control of the senate in November and the Republicans decide to compromise immigration. The foreign policy problems have caused atrophy in the foreign policy. This has affected the approval rating of Mr. Obama; this has been a concern for most of the Democrats in the final season of the campaign. The policies have made the president be perceived weak an issue likely to hurt his party’s electoral chances.(Hook, and Nelson, 2014) The senate has prepared a 100 day agenda plan should they take the senate; they are very likely to win. The key agenda is to authorize the long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline so as to boost the energy production. Other agendas are: approving fast track trade authority, repealing Obamacare’s unpopular tax on medical devices and effecting back new Environmental protection Agency regulations. There is a rift amongst Republicans; there are those thinking the GOP can rely on Obama’s lack of popularity in winning the senate and those thinking that the party would do better to push the positive agenda. (Riley, 2014) The republicans are intending to attract women voters at all cost. Rep. Cory Gardner announced his support for the over-the-counter women’s oral contraceptives. The policy is one of the party’s attempts to draw more female voters contrary to the past. The party was also the leading oppose of the Obamacare, something that a large number of women opposed, this gives them the support from the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Learning Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Review - Essay Example reflection started from the skills and knowledge I possessed at the time of joining the module so that I get a better chance of understanding what further I gained from the course. Admittedly, I had a number of skills and knowledge that would enormously help me in my study. First of all, as I have work experience in managerial roles, I have the chances of applying comparative and ideal methods to identify how my perceptions and practice differ from what is required. Another advantage is the supporting educational background I possess. As I have relevant educational background, further learning becomes easy. The last point is the availability of people around me who would be able to help me with my learning difficulties. As Cottrell (2008:5) points out, I spent some time looking into my own learning style before I began this degree course. From there, I gained the insight that the learning style I had adopted previously was rather ineffective. Admittedly, I was a visual/kinaesthetic learner (Cottrell 2008:5) and my learning style can be accurately termed ‘dreamer’ (Cottrell 2008:59). Admittedly, visual learners prefer to learn things through seeing them. For such learners, information absorption becomes easier when there is effective utilisation of pictures, graphs and maps. As I looked into my own learning nature, I found that adopting maps, outlines and diagrams would help me overcome the learning difficulties I face. In addition, I found that by being able to watch the lecture closely or by ensuring eye contact with the speaker, I could improve my learning abilities. In order to utilise the finding in my learning process, I started note taking during class. The notes were not simple writings, but were charts and diagrams when possible, and I tried to keep them colorful and visually attractive. In addition, I started using a pencil to take notes while in class, and the use of pencil allowed me to make corrections when necessary. Admittedly, this process